IMC Concrete - Atlanta (Downtown) - Home repair services, maintenance services, Atlanta (Downtown) - 2991634


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IMC Concrete - Home repair services, maintenance services

Ref. number: 2991634 Updated: 02-11-2021 08:02

Offering: Home repair services, maintenance services in United States, Georgia, Atlanta (Downtown)

Create magnificent green spaces with IMC CONCRETE modular concrete. Our revolutionary creative concrete elements makes it possible for architects, landscapers, and creative designers to bring magnificent green spaces to very difficult to access places. Modular concrete elements are maintenance free.We provide all the commercial planters like, Commercial Large Planters, Commercial Large Planters, Commercial Outdoor Planters, Commercial Concrete Planters. 1549 E Taylor Ave, Atlanta, GA 30344, United States Website-

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Contact information
First name: IMC
Last name: Concrete
Phone number: (678) 200-3119
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